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How to pack five shirts for the space of two

In light of our recent road trip to Kansas City, we’ve been thinking a lot recently about all those students throughout the nation that are about to have road trips of their own back to college.

Long drives are a blast. Seeing a lot of places and listening to great music never gets old, but packing a vehicle up with all of your earthly belongings for a long drive can create quite a different narrative. For students who attend school out of state, getting an item that you forgot to bring with you isn’t necessarily the easiest thing to do. It’s not like you can turn the car around to get your favorite pillow when you’re 400 miles from home.


Tips for College Students

Students packing up their lives for college should adhere to a few tips StorageMart has for moving back to school.  First and foremost, just piling your belongings in the trunk is no way to go about packing. You are absolutely guaranteed to forget something if you don’t organize. Go buy five or six boxes, some tape, and some stretch wrap at your local facility- they’ve got anything you could need to pack at prices even poor college students can afford. Next, sort your stuff. Label each box, one for bedding, one for school supplies, one for coats- you get the idea. Not only does organizing everything make it easy to unpack, but it helps you keep track of everything you have packed. Finally, use that stretch wrap to save space. Did you know that if you roll up five t shirts, then stretch wrap them together really tightly that your shirt roll will take up the same amount of space as two folded ones?

After organizing and boxing up all your stuff, be sure to load everything up nicely into your car. All that’s left is to cast your moving worries aside and crank up that radio and hit the road.