Your Next Project Could Be Easier and More Profitable
It takes time to haul your construction equipment to and from the job site every day. Forgive the cliché, but time is money—especially in this business. You’ve been looking for ways to be more efficient, but it might boil down to having extra space. Let’s check out your options...
Choosing the Best Home Base for Your Contracting Business
Option #1: Storing On-Site: This takes the least amount of transport time, but you’re opening yourself to increased theft risk as well as equipment damage from the weather. Splitting equipment between multiple sites can also complicate things.
Option #2: Storing at Home: If you have the space, storing your equipment at home is an option, but most contractors aren’t interested in filling their garage full of equipment they need to access on a moment’s notice.
Option #3: Building a Warehouse: A warehouse is an ideal solution in many ways, but it’s also a large expense—not to mention your need for space varies by season and getting locked into a long-term contract won’t meet fluctuating needs.

freedom and flexibility
None of the standard options quite fit the bill. The perfect solution would hit all of these marks:
- A central location
- Controlled access for only your employees
- Flexible access hours to fit your schedule
- Ability to add space when you need more without a contract
- Peace of mind knowing your equipment is in the right environment
The solution? An affordable self storage unit! Get exactly the amount of space you need, when and where it’s convenient for you. Add us to your crew and see how your next project can be easier and more profitable.
Not sure what size you need?
Try our storage guide.
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